Windows Live Writer

Windows Live Writer Editing with properties panel shownThis is my first post using Windows Live Writer and the new XML-RPC interface for Spring. Initially we have added support for the MetaWeblog API and will soon be expanding it with full Atom support.

While it may be sometime for the complete transformation to using XML-RPC and Atom as internal API for Spring, we get to take advantage immediately of Microsoft's fantastic (and free) Live Writer.

Simple but effective

Live Writer is a very simple application that provides a really slick editor and supports pretty much any blogging application out there.

It allows you to copy and paste images (or drag and drop), scale them, add effects, save drafts of posts locally and even load previous posts from your blog for editing.

Open previous posts dialog from Windows Live Writer

Live Writer is fast, clean and even though it is still in beta - seems to run really, really well (at least in Vista!).


This is the personal blog of Adrian Lynch, owner of Millstream, developers of Spring CMS.

Version: 1.3